Happy birthday to ME!

What you're seeing now is what I completed in a couple days to make my birthday wishlist into a bonafide website. Isn't that awesome? What's more awesome is that this isn't even the real thing. This one's an appetizer.Please, keep reading! :)*NOTE: BOTH SITES BEST EXPERIENCED WITH A DESK/LAPTOP VIEW.

What are we waiting for? Let's get started. Buttons are labelled accordingly. Be warned of audio that will play for my wishlist website!My website is best formatted for a DESK/LAPTOP view, please keep this in mind!

That's the million dollar question, right? The answer actually is pretty simple. I just wanted to do it, since I've picked up the side hobby of coding with a language known as HTML. Pretty cool, I think! I also get to add a LOT more than I would be able to do with slides.Fun, technically counts as education, AND cool to show off in the family group chat. Best of several worlds!Lessons start at $5!* The Cyclops gifs were originally placeholders, but he grew on me. Don't mind him! :)

This site is made using CARRD, though traditionally used as a more advanced buisiness card, also makes a great starting point to link to other websites, like a Linktree but with more steps and more customization. Though, I don't actually know too much since I've never used it myself! I have as much media presence as a mysterious wizard living in the woods. Only sending carrier pigeons.As for the wishlist website, it is a platform designed to host websites for free, and is called neocities, as you can probably gather from the url. It utilizes HTML coding!

I enjoy:
Fantastic Four
Moon Knight